2019 Laniakea Release

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Laniakea is a difficult recipe.   The formulation has a very high ratio of roasted and other dark malts, which makes the brewhouse performance variable and challenging.   But it was created for one purpose and one purpose only:  to be aged long-term in bourbon barrels.  Barreling allows us to be more aggressive with the beer formulation, understanding the wonders of slow aging in wood barrels will smooth out the edges and transform the liquid into a glorious mélange of rich malt-derived flavors.  

Every year the recipe remains the same but the whiskey barrels change, making Laniakea a unique project:

2016:  Elijah Craig barrels

2017:  Willet’s Pot Still barrels

2018:  Maker’s Mark barrels

2019:  Henry McKenna barrels

Lead Brewer Chris calls 2019 the best Laniakea yet.  We’re inclined to agree.  Join us This Friday, December 14th, for a taste and bottles to go.  $19/750ml bottle.
